[Inform ATTACK] Version 3 released
I am happy to announce Version 3 of Inform ATTACK. As always, the latest version can be found here ; if you specifically want version 3, click here . Code written for version 2 will generally be compatible with version 3, though you should check out the changelog below to see if any of the changes might interfere with your existing code. Updating to version 3 is recommended because it brings a more robust handling of readying and natural weapons. Version 3 also adds the "weapon damage bonus" property, which can be used to increase or decrease the damage dealt by weapons in a more flexible way than was previously possible with only the "damage die" property. (The base damage dealt by a weapon is now a random number between 1 and damage die , plus the weapon damage bonus .) Full changelog: Added "wield [weapon]" and "use [weapon]"' as synonyms for readying. Readying now applies to a visible rather than a touchable thing. A n