[Spring Thing 2011] Bonehead
Bonehead is actually the third Spring Thing game I have played, but I have put off writing about the other two because I may want to write something a bit bigger than a quick review on my blog. (No promises, of course) These two other games were The Promise , a game with a lot of good stuff and an ending I hated, and Mentula Macanus: Apocolocyntosis , which it would be hard to recommend too highly. (Though check out Jimmy Maher's blog for another opinion.) So, Bonehead by Sean M. Shore. This game is about baseball, and specifically, about what is apparently an infamous game of baseball in which Fred Merkle either made a stupid blunder or, depending on your perspective, was the victim of what RPG players will call a rules lawyer . The structure of the piece is interesting: you are told in the beginning that this is going to be the worst day of Merkle's life, and you get non-interactive flash forwards to prove the point. It is possible to escape from your fate, but only throu