SPAG #60; Lyttle Lytton 2011; nY #9
Three pieces of unrelated news concerning me and (in one case very tangentially) interactive fiction: The new SPAG is out, now with a beautiful cover, many interviews, an interesting design document for Hoist Sail for the Heliopause and Home , an overview of the PAX 2011 Demo Fair, and my analysis of Gigantomania. It is not too early to start writing a piece of criticism, an essay on design, or some other interesting article for the next issue! What about recapping and reflecting on an interesting discussion that has been held on the blogs or the forum? There are many possibilities. SPAG needs you ! I sent in a sentence to Adam Cadre's 2011 Lyttle Lytton competition, where you have to write the worst possible short opening sentence for a novel. I'm pleased to say that Adam awarded me a shared second place for: This is the story of how one woman overcame breast cancer by never ever losing faith in herself. Coincidentally, just after I had sent in this sentence, big poster...