Participate in the IF Top 50!
Interactive Fiction Top 50 Link to forum topic. Based on a discussion on the interactive fiction forum , I am organising a interactive fiction top 50 (or a top 100, or a top 20, depending on the number of participants and the distribution of the votes). You send in a list of your favourite IF games, I add those lists together and publish a "best of" list. The aim is not to decide what the best IF ever is by majority vote -- that would be foolish. Rather, the aims of the top 50 are: To create a good opportunity for people to think about the best games they have played, and discuss their ideas on this topic with others.
To allow people to be inspired by what they see on other people's lists.
To create a useful list of great games at which you can point newcomers to the IF scene.
If it is successful and we do this every few years: to create a way to track how the taste of the community evolves.
To make this work, we need your help. Please send us a list of be...