
Showing posts from March, 2015

IF top 50 results

Thanks to the 38 people who voted, we have a new "Interactive Fiction top 50". The results can be found here .

Victor's Variomatic #1: "Till Death Makes a Monkfish Out of Me"

Want to play some interactive fiction semi-together? Check out the topic I just opened on the interactive fiction forum, where I invite everybody to join in playing Mike Sousa's and Jon Ingold's 2002 TADS2 game Till Death Makes a Monkfish Out of Me. I hope to see you there!

IF Top 50: Last reminder!

Today is the last day you can vote in the IF top 50, so please go to the forum topic or send me an e-mail if you haven't done so yet. (Realistically I'm not going to finalise my spreadsheet before Monday 20:00 GMT, so if you wake up on Monday with the horrible realisation that you've forgotten something important -- well, consider that your grace period!)

Reminder: IF Top 50 Voting

You still have one week, until the 15th of March , to send in your votes for the Interactive Fiction Top 50 . You can either post in that forum thread or send me an e-mail. Lists can contain up to 20 titles, but less is also acceptable!